Bishamonten Zenkokuji

  • Attractions
  • Kagurazaka
Photo: Bishamonten Zenkokuji

Time Out says

First founded in 1595 by shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, this Kagurazaka temple has been a symbol of the neighbourhood ever since moving to its current location in the late 18th century.


5-36 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku
Ushigome-Kagurazaka Station (Oedo line); Iidabashi Station (Sobu, Tozai, Yurakucho, Namboku lines)

What’s on

Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2024

The usually laidback and refined streets of Kagurazaka are coming alive with music and revelry during this two-day celebration of Japanese traditional arts. The event revolves around the stages at Zenkokuji Temple and Akagi Shrine, but you’ll find entertainment spread out all over the area. You’ll see performances like rakugo, kodan and biwa storytelling, traditional music using Japanese drums and flutes, Noh theatre performances, and more. Expect to see shinnai nagashi performers (usually comprise two singers and a shamisen player; Saturday 4.30pm and 7pm, Sunday 1pm and 3pm) strolling the neighbourhood as well as artists performing Japanese traditional ballads known as Edo hauta (Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 12noon and 2pm). There will also be an area dedicated to family-friendly activities and entertainment like traditional Japanese spinning tops and kendama experiences for kids. If you understand Japanese, you can learn more about Kagurazaka's history by participating in the stamp rally walking tour on Sunday.

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